Defining an ArgusWatcher

Watch for important events on your deployments

Once you have Argus installed on your cluster, you are ready to start setting up watchers for your deployments. All possible configurations of the how, and what, of setting up an ArgusWatcher on your deployments are described below.


Required definition

At a bare minimum, the fields you need to provide are the selector, which works just like any other label selector in Kubernetes. matchLabels and matchExpressions are both supported, as described in the labels and selectors documentation. The subjects array allows you to define any number of path and event combination to watch.

For example, you have an important path that should never receive any kind of modification events. You can set a subject as the example below, in order to receive any notification when a modify inode event happens at that path location. This includes any change to the path itself, as well as children inside the path.

kind: ArgusWatcher
  name: mywatcher
      app: myapp
  - paths:
    - /path/to/watch
    - modify

List of all possible events

  • access — file was accessed
  • attrib — metadata changed; for example: permissions, timestamps, extended attributes, link count, user/group ID
  • closewrite — file opened for writing was closed
  • closenowrite — file or directory not opened for writing was closed
  • close — includes closewrite and closenowrite events
  • create — file or directory was created in watched directory
  • delete — file or directory deleted from watched directory
  • deleteself — watched file or directory was itself deleted
  • modify — file was modified
  • moveself — watched file or directory was itself moved
  • movedfrom — generated for the directory containing the old filename when a file is renamed
  • movedto — generated for the directory containing the new filename when a file is renamed
  • move — includes moveself, movedfrom, and movedto events
  • open — file or directory was opened
  • all — includes all events listed above


  • If watching a directory that is symlinked, you will need to watch the source directory, not the destination. A symlink is a special kind of file and does not behave exactly like an actual directory. In the case of watching the destination, you would only receive events on that file but not on any events on any child objects under it.

Recursively watching a directory

If you’re familiar with inotify you’d know it only works on a specified path and does not watch recursively. We added the ability to do so by passing a flag in through the configuration; this will keep a tree of child nodes off the main parent path that you pass into the subject paths. We make sure to handle any possible new addition, deletion or update of a child path, even if the parent path is modified, deleted, unmounted, from under us.

  - paths:
    - /path/to/watch
    - modify
    recursive: true

Recursively watching a directory with a maximum depth

In addition to watching recursively, if you only wish to recursively watch at a certain number of children below the parent, you can specify a maxDepth amount in the configuration. After that depth is reached it will stop at that leaf level and not go any further.

  - paths:
    - /path/to/watch
    - modify
    recursive: true
    maxDepth: 2

Ignoring specific paths

In addition to the recursive watch option, if there are specific paths you wish to ignore, such as a cache or SCM folder, an ignore array similar to paths can be provided. Currently, these ignored paths are a simple direct comparison, not a glob or regex check.

  - paths:
    - /path/to/watch
    - .cache
    - .git
    - modify
    recursive: true

Watching only directories

An extra flag can be provided to inotify that ensures the watched path is specifically a directory type. In the case of modifying that path into a file or symlink, it provides a race-free way of ensuring that you are always monitoring it as a directory.

In the case of the example below, it would attempt to watch file.ext as a directory; if this is not an actual directory it will ignore it from any listeners and will not receive any events on that file.

  - paths:
    - /path/to/watch
    - /file.ext
    - modify
    onlyDir: true

Following move events of subject paths

By default, when a directory you specify to watch is moved outside the current tree’s view, an IN_MOVE_SELF event is fired, but the watch descriptor will no longer be able to receive new events on it. In order to follow these kinds of moves, and attempt to locate where the directory moved it via its inode value, a flag can be specified to do so.

This only applies to paths specified in the subject definition. If you wish to receive these kinds of events on child directories, the recursive flag is the appropriate way to do that.

  - paths:
    - /path/to/watch
    - modify
    followMove: true

On receiving an IN_MOVE_SELF with this flag specified, when /path/to/watch is then located by its inode value, the watcher will be updated in-place to match the new location. If this is being watched recursively, it will make sure it is still being done so in this new location.

Custom tagging

Custom tags can be added per-subject to allow you to later query specific portions of your watchers. These are defined in a YAML-style map and at logging time will be condensed into a comma-separated list of key=value pairs. In the case of the below example, when logging an event, the tags will should up as: foo=bar,lorem=ipsum that you can later use your favorite logging aggregator and query language to target this specific subject.

kind: ArgusWatcher
  name: mywatcher
      app: myapp
  - paths:
    - /path/to/watch
    - modify
      foo: bar
      lorem: ipsum

Custom logging format

If you want to specify your own logging format when a watcher is notified of an update, you can do so with the logFormat option. This takes a format string with specifiers that we will later interpolate with real values.

kind: ArgusWatcher
  name: mywatcher
      app: myapp
  logFormat: "event = {event}; path = {path}; file = {file}"
  - paths:
    - /path/to/watch
    - modify

The default log format is {event} {ftype} '{path}{sep}{file}' ({pod}:{node}) {tags}.

Example output using the default format: MODIFY file '/path/to/file.ext' (foo-1-pod:barnode) foo=bar

List of all possible logFormat specifiers

  • pod — name of the pod
  • node — name of the node
  • event — inotify event that was observed
  • path — name of the directory path
  • file — name of the file
  • ftype — evaluates to “file” or “directory”
  • tags — list of custom tags in key=value comma-separated list
  • sep — placeholder for a “/” character to include (e.g. between the path/file specifiers)