
Deep dive into Argus and its architecture

Argus is a set of custom Kubernetes resources that facilitates filesystem event monitoring on specified paths. It provides a rich set of configurations to run alongside your existing Kubernetes deployments to make it easy to denote assessment-ready file integrity monitoring.

In deploying Argus into your cluster, a couple of components will be initialized. First, the controller listens directly for Kubernetes events and is responsible for syncing cluster state with the daemons running on each node to make sure specified pods that need to be watched, are. Second, the daemon is run on each node to ensure that it can monitor running pods on the same node. It is charged with setting up inode watchers via inotify to allow you to see when certain filesystem events happen on the desired paths inside the pod.

It will be up to you to store, monitor, and alert on these logged events using your favorite tools of choice.

We will provide some common patterns using sets of popular tools further in this documentation.


graph RL A((procfs)) -->|inotify| B[argusnotify] subgraph daemon C{argusd} --> B B .->|logfn| C end D[argus-controller] ==>|gRPC| C C .-> D subgraph controller E(K8s listers
K8s informers) --> D F(ArgusWatcher CRDs) --> D end

Custom Resource Definition

In order to describe the set of pods you want to create a watcher for, what paths you are interested in monitoring, and for what events, you’ll soon find yourself creating a ArgusWatcher CustomResourceDefinition. That is, a Kubernetes custom type that will be configured in your cluster, that gives a specification to define a watcher type with all the fields and flags the controller will understand, configure, and pass along to the daemon so it can watch appropriately in the fashion you describe.


argus-controller is the glue between the Kubernetes lifecycle and the daemons listening for events on the filesystems. It responds to events such as pod listers add, update, and delete, making sure that the proper state of the daemon that is running on the same node as that pod has the watcher either started or not on that daemon.

This controller operates in an idempotent fashion, in such cases that the controller pod running is terminated and a new one spins up, it immediately receives all the events upon startup that it would have received anyway over time; this way we can reconstruct the proper state immediately. When a daemon is not gracefully terminated, upon startup of a new daemon pod, we reconcile that pod’s current state (nothing) with what we expect it should be, and all addition calls should be immediately fired; same as the previous case but in reverse.

The other set of types the controller listens for is the ArgusWatcher CustomResourceDefinition described above. This is the definition that you will create to define what selector, paths, events, and lots of optional flags to create the notion of a file integrity monitor watcher.


The argusd daemon will be deployed on all cluster nodes via a DaemonSet. It starts a gRPC server to communicate back-and-forth with the controller, described above. When it receives a message from the controller to create a watcher, it takes the desired configuration and spawns a argusnotify process with a custom set of rules. For example, if one wishes to watch the path recursively, this can be configured with an optional flag and will maintain a tree of additional paths to watch under the parent.

sequenceDiagram participant A as argusd participant B as argusnotify participant C as procfs A->>+B: Creates child processes B->>C: Creates inotify watchers Note over B,C: Polling for inotify events... loop inotify event C->>B: Write event to mq opt exit signal B-->C: Stop polling and exit end end Note over A,B: Listening on message queue... loop mq message B->>A: Print log message opt mq exit msg A->>-B: Kill argusnotify process end end

Once the argusnotify process receives an inotify message that the user configured to watch for, it sends that message back to the argusd process via a message queue and logs it in the cluster pod with any additional custom logging configuration. This log can be picked up in the same way you’d watch for logs in any other Kubernetes component.

Upon receiving an additional create message, if the watcher already exists, it will handle it in an idempotent way, and simply update with the current configuration. When receiving a delete message, if the watcher exists, it will shut down the processes involved and remove this watcher from the daemon’s current state.

There is an additional state check called periodically by the controller that reconciles what the daemon knows its state is with what the controller expects the current state to be. Any additional creation and deletion methods may be called due to any differences. This also allows for handling non-graceful terminations of either daemon or controller pods, thus the proper state can always be recreated in these cases.